Main Campus
Wangsimni-ro, 222 Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea
As we know, language is the most important criterion for distinguishing people from other animals. If you can communicate in a person’s language, you are a person. And you have to be able to communicate in order to build relationships. This is because language is the most efficient way for individuals to communicate with the outside world. Through the mother tongue we are using, we have been recognized as human beings and have been accepted as members of our various communities.
Mother tongue is a valuable asset but at the same time it could be a fence that limits one’s world. This is because people “blindly” block communication with others who don’t understand their own mother tongue. The only way to get out of this linguistic fence is to learn a second or third language. This could be seen as it’s like putting on the wings of an Icarus.
In that sense, the Institute of International Education is committed to helping you overcome your linguistic limitations and to move forward to the new international world. A group of professional teachers and lecturers, who have been invited through rigorous process, are helping you to learn Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese well.
Language acquisition is not done in a short period of time. It is necessary to make a long-term plan and train faithfully, regularly, and steadily, as if you were doing a physical training. Our Institute of International Education operates a systematic step-by-step curriculum. If you are dreaming of a new world and have the will to try hard to gain the strength to go there, please come to our institute. We would like to help you gain the strength and fulfill your goals.
We hope you will continue to develop your linguistic skills at Hanyang University’s Institute of International Education to establish a foothold to be active internationally. It is our happiness to see your progress in preparing for such a leap forward. Thank you.
Regular Course
As a systematic and intensive Korean course for foreigners who want to study abroad and practice their Korean,
the regular term program provides integrated education of communication oriented speaking, listening, reading and writing.
The program aims for not only improving communicative competence based on real life,
but also improving Korean language skills needed for entering school.
Short-term course
Opened every summer and winter, through the short-term program students can learn and study Korean intensively in a short period of time. Also, the short-term program is an integrated training course of communication oriented speaking, listening, reading and writing. This program aims for not only improving Korean language skills effectively in a short period of time, but also provides 3 cultural classes for students to experience Korean culture in person.
Tuition Fee