Seoul International School (SIS)

Main Campus 15 Seongnam-daero 1518beon-gil, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do  Overview Seoul International School (SIS) is an academic institute whose purpose is to provide a challenging U.S. curriculum to meet the primary and secondary educational needs of international students living in Seoul, Korea. The school is committed to the arts, humanities and sciences as the best preparation […]

Cheongna Dalton School (CDS)

Main Campus 344, Cheomdandong-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon Overview CDS encourages students learn values of teamwork and consideration of others. The traits and skills developed at CDS will give them the opportunity to maximize their growth potential with flexibility and diversity Cheongna Dalton School (CDS) is founded by Madame Bongduk Lee, who is also the founder of […]

Korea International School Jeju Campus (KIS Jeju)
한국국제학교 제주캠퍼스

Main Campus 8 Global Edu-ro 260beon-gil, Daejeong-eup Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Overview At KISJ we are deeply committed to our mission of providing a challenging American curriculum, promoting responsibility to our community and world, and preparing students for learning in university and life. With a strong belief in our vision of developing well-rounded graduates who lead responsibly […]

Chadwick International School Songdo (CISS)

Main Campus 45, Art center-daero 97 beon-gilYeonsu-gu, Incheon Overview Welcome to Chadwick International Education at Chadwick International is an ongoing adventure that transforms bright students into extraordinary global citizens. Each day, our students are exposed to a wondrous world of opportunities that foster academic excellence, personal growth and individual self-expression.Guided by passionate instructors, an inclusive community […]

Taejon Christian International School (TCIS)

Main Campus 77 Yongsan 2-roYuseong Gu, Daejeon, South Korea Overview Taejon Christian International School is one of the top foreign schools in Korea. With a caring international faculty, TCIS delivers a Western-style, STEM+Arts-focused IB school experience to children in grades K-12. Since 1958, ex-pat and local families have chosen us for a high-quality English-speaking education and a strongly-supportive community […]

Chung-Ang University
Korean Language Institute
(중앙대학교 한국어학당)

Main Campus Room 101, Bldg. 101, Chung-Ang University, 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul Overview The ILE is a specialized educational institution of Korean language and culture. It was established in 2004 with the goal of introducing the Korean language and culture to the world in line with the rising status of South Korea. The curriculum of […]

Sogang University
Korean Language Institute
(서강대학교 한국어학당)

Main Campus Korean Language Education Center, Sogang University 35 Baekbeom-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul 04107, KOREA Overview Sogang KLEC is a place where the largest number of people from all over the world gather together to learn Korean. People from 70 to 80 countries are using Korean as an official language to get closer and exchange ideas […]

Pusan National University
Korean Language Institute
(부산대학교 한국어학당)

Main Campus 2, Busandaehak-ro 63beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan Overview We are living in a time growing with uncertainty, innovation, and rapid changing with the implementation of artificial intelligence and The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). The world is in need of proactive and creative talents who can appropriately react to this phenomenon. In order to prepare […]

Ewha Womans University
Korean Language Institute
(이화여자대학교 한국어학당)

Main Campus Ewha Language Center Room 203/204 (Ewha-Samsung Education Culture Building) 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul Overview Ewha Language Center(ELC)was established in 1962 as an affiliated language institute to Ewha Womans University.ELC has supported Ewha Womans University with foreign language education, and started teaching Korean as a foreign language from 1988. Ewha Language Center, an access […]